Taking the Pulse in Coot-land

As a Cootless Editor, I have less material to write about now, but more time to review all the other Coots under construction around the world. You may have noticed the geographic trend on the Coot-builder's web site, with its photo gallery designed around maps of our planet's regions. As a physician, I feel like I'm analyzing a virtual organism composed of cells: - enthusiasts with the same goals, while each one is separate, with unique viewpoints.  


I don't get much web site feedback from you builders and pilots out there, but strangers coming in from other planets are amazed to read it all. They're clearly awed by the visit, but then most of them fly off to other worlds, not ready to take on a start-from-scratch project with such a long-term commitment. But in this universe of easy email, the sensitive ones take a moment to comment, and that's fun.


So how are we doing? What's our pulse and blood pressure? It would be a full-time job to keep up with everyone, and it takes more time than I have to keep you up to date with all 43 projects on the web site, many of which are being towed on trailers from place to place. Be patient, and keep checking. You'll see more up-dates soon.


However, as I look at all the cells , it seems that there are 3 basic types. There are the stable ones that remain in place for many years, not seeming to change much. Then there are the migratory ones that keep popping up in different places. But the ones I enjoy hearing about most are the ones that grow in place. I think they must be the “happiest” ones too.


Perhaps the most fascinating things about them are the spirits that guide them along. Each spirit brings its own experience and comfort-zone of workmanship to the table. For example, one Coot is being made from aluminum, while another is built of Nomex. The innovation in each spirit seems to help keep the cell active and vibrant. Too much innovation and the cell can run wild, but with too little it can stagnate. Homeostasis with feedback regulation seems to be good for most things.


One thing surprises me : the time it takes for this Coot amphibian to get its hull wet. That is, after all, the eventual goal here, yet it seems to be the most elusive part of the whole enterprise.


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